Dare Restrain 2006
Threnody’s song Dare Restrain 2006 version released on streaming services
Threnody’s song Dare Restrain 2006 version released on streaming services
Did you know that the first words of every sentence of each verse form a sentence as well in the song “This Day”. They are “Must Remember The Days” and “All Will Be Together”: This day Leaving, leaving behind more than a memory Leaving behind our days and time Wish, want you here to stay, […]
Something old and something new and it is definitely blue. No we are not getting married but there will be something new coming to you
February 1997 the third self-titled album “Threnody’ was released. It was recorded in Germany with producer Gerhard Magin in September and December 1996. Two new band-members played on this album: Ernst van Ee and Menno Gootjes. It is now available on Spotify and iTunes!